Valuable Resources for Family History Research: Indigenous and Early Settler Perspectives

Recently, I joined discussions in several Facebook groups aimed at exploring complex and challenging aspects of Australia’s colonial past. These conversations centered around the historical impact of colonial expansion on Aboriginal communities, and how family history researchers like us can approach these topics responsibly and openly. Sadly, both discussions had to be closed down due to the racist and inappropriate comments from a small component of group members.

It’s disappointing that we’re unable to have an objective and honest conversation about these issues, which are deeply woven into the fabric of our shared history. If we’re unable to confront the complexities and darker parts of our past, how can we truly move forward? I believe it’s crucial to understand these perspectives—not to assign blame, but to acknowledge, learn, and foster a deeper appreciation of the full story.

To this end, I’m sharing a list of valuable resources, many of which were recommended in the discussions before they were closed. These texts offer insights into Australia’s colonial history, its impact on Indigenous communities, and the complex relationships between settlers and Aboriginal Australians. My hope is that these resources provide a foundation for understanding and serve as a springboard for further exploration.

If you have other texts that have been particularly insightful or resonated with you in your research, please feel free to share them in the comments. Below is a list of recommended readings, with brief descriptions of each.

“The Australian Frontier Wars, 1788–1838” by John Connor (2002) – A comprehensive analysis of conflicts during Australia’s early colonial period, including key events in regions like Bathurst and Mudgee.

“The Remarkable Mrs Reibey” by Grantlee Kieza (2023) – Biography of early settler Mary Reibey, detailing her life as an entrepreneur and interactions between settlers and Indigenous communities around Sydney and Windsor.

“Murriyang – Song of Time” by Stan Grant (2023) – Examines historical perspectives from both colonizers and Indigenous Australians, reflecting on how these histories shape contemporary Australia.

“Näku Dhäruk: The Bark Petitions: How the People of Yirrkala Changed the Course of Australian Democracy” by Clare Wright (2024) – Chronicles the 1963 Yirrkala Bark Petitions, the Yolŋu people’s powerful appeal to the Australian Parliament, sparking the Indigenous land rights movement.

“Blood on the Wattle: Massacres and Maltreatment of Aboriginal Australians Since 1788” by Bruce Elder (1988; 3rd ed. 2003) – Documents the history of violence and mistreatment of Aboriginal Australians since colonization. Available through major retailers like Amazon Australia.

These resources provide diverse perspectives on Australia’s colonial history and its impact on Indigenous communities, which may be beneficial for anyone researching family history in Australia.

If you have additional resources, insights, or personal reflections on any of these texts, please feel free to share them in the comments.


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